Visiting Emily Carr’s Home

Today, Emily Carr is one of the most famous Canadian Painters – she was one of the first Canadian painters to adopt post-impressionist painting styles and member of the Group of Seven, who, at that time, were Canada’s most recognized modern painters. However, Emily Carr only received widespread recognition after … Continue readingVisiting Emily Carr’s Home


Shok-1 created this beautiful piece of street art close to Brick Lane in Shoreditch/ London. It is called MasterPeace, just like the image that had been there before. In the same place used to be a picture of an x-ray of a hand making the peace sign. In 2017, Shok-1 … Continue readingMasterPeace

Horses of Iceland

If you think you see a group of ponies wandering through nature, look again! They are horses – Icelandic horses to be precise and Icelanders get really offended if you call them ponies. The Icelandic comes in so many colours and shapes, there is a favourite for everyone! And with … Continue readingHorses of Iceland

The Hustling and Bustling of the Animal Bazaar in Karakol

Kyrgyzstan is country, that is still characterized by the agrarian culture. The majority of people in the country are dependent on agriculture or at least own a few horses, kettle or sheep. Everywhere you see the animals roam freely through the countryside, farmers working with their horses or cows, or … Continue readingThe Hustling and Bustling of the Animal Bazaar in Karakol